@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001731, author = {長嶺, 敬 and NAGAMINE, Takashi and 池田, 達哉 and IKEDA, Tatsuya and 柳沢, 貴司 and YANAGISAWA, Takashi and 栁澤, 貴司 and 髙橋, 飛鳥 and TAKAHASHI, Asuka and 五月女, 敏範 and SOUTOME, Toshinori}, journal = {近畿中国四国農業研究センター研究報告, BULLETIN of THE NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH CENTER for WESTERN REGION}, month = {May}, note = {The haplotypes of Mla and Mlo genes in Japanese barley cultivars/lines and their relations to powdery mildew resistance were studied. Forty-nine Japanese cultivars/lines were classified into 11 haplotypes by their sequence of 701 bases in the fourth exon of Mla gene. Most of powdery mildew resistant ones belonged to 'Sachiho golden' haplotype, except for several resistant malting cultivars, however there were also susceptible six-row hull-less ones in 'Sachiho golden' type. The significance of 'Sachiho golden' type Mla gene to the resistance against powdery mildew were confirmed by the complete co-segragation of resistance and 'Sachiho golden' type Mla genes in 76 F3 plants of 'Yumesakiboshi' X 'Mikamo golden'. Also, the molecular marker assisted selection system for mlo-9 powdery mildew resistant gene were developed by new DNA marker which detect in/del differences between mlo-9 donor 'Alexis' and most Japanese hull-less cultivars.}, pages = {15--26}, title = {日本のオオムギ品種におけるうどんこ病抵抗性遺伝子座 Mla 及び Mlo の多型解析}, volume = {9}, year = {2010}, yomi = {ナガミネ, タカシ and イケダ, タツヤ and ヤナギサワ, タカシ and タカハシ, アスカ and ソウトメ, トシノリ} }