@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001727, author = {柳沢, 貴司 and YANAGISAWA, Takashi and 栁澤, 貴司 and 長嶺, 敬 and NAGAMINE, Takashi and 髙橋, 飛鳥 and TAKAHASHI, Asuka and TAKAYAMA, Toshiyuki and 髙山, 敏之 and 高山, 敏之 and 土井, 芳憲 and DOI, Yoshinori and 松中, 仁 and MATSUNAKA, Hitoshi and 藤田, 雅也 and FUJITA, Masaya and 杉浦, 誠 and SUGIURA, Makoto and 土門, 英司 and DOMON, Eiji and 伊藤, 昌光 and ITO, Masamitsu and 石川, 直幸 and ISHIKAWA, Naoyuki}, journal = {近畿中国四国農業研究センター研究報告, BULLETIN of THE NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH CENTER for WESTERN REGION}, month = {May}, note = {A new two-rowed hullless barley cutivar "Yumesakiboshi" was bred by a bulk breeding method by crossing "Yon-R-Kei 833" and "Nishinochikara". Compared with "Ichibanboshi" , "Yumesakiboshi" had a similar culm length, longer spike length, similar heading date, and normally had a date of maturity 2 days later. The yield was similar to that of "Ichibanboshi". The practical yield (grain weight over 2.2 mm grain thickness) was 10% higher than that of "Ichibanboshi". "Yumesakiboshi" was resistant to barley yellow mosaic virus and powdery mildew and moderately resistant to scab. Compared with "Ichibanboshi" , the grain size was larger and the grain shape was slightly longer. The plump grain percentage was higher, pearling time was shorter, and the ratio of broken kernels was higher. "Yumesakiboshi" is adapted well for growing in flat areas of Central and Western Japan and was released as a recommended (authorized) variety in Saitama prefecture in 2009.}, pages = {1--13}, title = {大粒で主要病害に強い日本初の実用二条裸麦品種「ユメサキボシ」の育成}, volume = {9}, year = {2010}, yomi = {ヤナギサワ, タカシ and ナガミネ, タカシ and タカハシ, アスカ and タカヤマ, トシユキ and ドイ, ヨシノリ and マツナカ, ヒトシ and フジタ, マサヤ and スギウラ, マコト and ドモン, エイジ and イトウ, マサミツ and イシカワ, ナオユキ} }