@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001720, author = {福田, 栄紀 and FUKUDA, Eiki}, journal = {近畿中国四国農業研究センター研究報告, BULLETIN of THE NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH CENTER for WESTERN REGION}, month = {Feb}, note = {The objective of this study was to evaluate whether dung of grazing cattle could serve as safe sites for forage plants seeded on the surface litter layer of a forest floor. Three temperate forage plants (Festuca arundinacea Schreb., Trifolium repens L., and Dactylis glomerata L.) were surface-seeded in early autumn on litter layers or cattle dung on the floors of a deciduous broad-leaved secondary forest and a felled area in a grazing land. In late autumn, the number of seedlings that emerged on cattle dung was compared with that on the litter layer. The following May, the number and length of individuals that survived were measured. More individuals emerged and survived on cattle dung than on litter. The average number of seedlings of F. arundinacea, D. glomerata, and T. repens per 100 cm^2 of the cattle dung sites were 21.2, 22.0, and 3.7, which were 2.3, 2.8, and 1.7 times those on the corresponding litter layer sites. The following May, the average number of plants of the same species per 100 cm^2 of the cattle dung sites were 5.0, 7.2, and 1.7, which were 1.8, 1.4, and 1.1 times those on the litter layer sites. The plant lengths of each on the cattle dung sites were 28.4, 51.6, and 13.8 cm, which were 1.6, 2.9, and 1.3 times those on the litter layer sites. All characteristics of the forage grass species, except the plant number of D. glomerata in the following May, were significantly different between the two sites, but T. repens showed no significant differences. These findings indicate that cattle dung could function as a safe site for surface-seeded forage grasses, providing an environment suitable for their emergence and growth on secondary and clearcut forest floors with litter layers., 放牧地内の落葉層が堆積する二次林林床において, 放牧牛の排糞が, 表面播種された寒地型牧草3種のセイフサイトとなりうるかどうかを検証した. 5月から10月まで牛群が放牧される草地内の落葉広葉樹二次林において, 3月に伐採し, 一部間伐区域を含む伐採跡地の林床に9月下旬トールフェスクとシロクローバを,伐採しなかった二次林の林床に10月上旬オーチャードグラスを表面播種した. 播種後, 両林床において, 牛ふん上とその南1mの落葉層上に各々10cm四方の定置調査区を設け, 11月中旬に出芽数を, 翌年5月末に生残個体数と草高を測定し, それらを牛ふん上と落葉層上とで比較した. 両イネ科草種とも, 出芽数, 翌年の個体数と草高の平均値は, 牛ふん上の方が落葉層上より高かった. 即ち, 牛ふん上のほうが出芽数は約2.5倍, 生残個体数は約1.5倍, 草高は1.6~2.9倍, 落葉層上より高い値を示した. イネ科草種に関するこれら特性値の平均値の差は, オーチャードグラスの生残個体数を除き, いずれも有意であった. 一方, シロクローバについても各特性値は牛ふん上のほうが落葉層上より高かったが, いずれも有意な差ではなかった. 落葉層で被われた二次林や伐採跡地の林床において, 牛ふんは表面播種された寒地型イネ科牧草にとって出芽, 生育するのに好適な環境と考えられ, セイフサイトとして機能すると結論づけられた.}, pages = {63--73}, title = {林床に分布する落葉層と牛ふんの上に表面播種された牧草の出芽と生育}, volume = {8}, year = {2009}, yomi = {フクダ, エイキ} }