{"created":"2023-05-15T13:37:58.681820+00:00","id":1710,"links":{},"metadata":{"_buckets":{"deposit":"9a36541c-e66a-4242-b6e9-eafee5716c38"},"_deposit":{"created_by":12,"id":"1710","owners":[12],"pid":{"revision_id":0,"type":"depid","value":"1710"},"status":"published"},"_oai":{"id":"oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001710","sets":["87:614:615:342:349"]},"author_link":["2186"],"item_10002_biblio_info_7":{"attribute_name":"書誌情報","attribute_value_mlt":[{"bibliographicIssueDates":{"bibliographicIssueDate":"2008-03-11","bibliographicIssueDateType":"Issued"},"bibliographicPageEnd":"207","bibliographicPageStart":"145","bibliographicVolumeNumber":"7","bibliographic_titles":[{"bibliographic_title":"近畿中国四国農業研究センター研究報告"},{"bibliographic_title":"BULLETIN of THE NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH CENTER for WESTERN REGION","bibliographic_titleLang":"en"}]}]},"item_10002_description_5":{"attribute_name":"抄録","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_description":"Hilly and mountainous areas occupy approximately 70% of Japan, and the area of farmland in these regions is decreasing ; these areas are defined as those from the outer plains to the mountains. The development of strategies for the revitalization of local agriculture in hilly and mountainous areas is therefore a significant problem in Japan. Systematic agriculture is efficient in hilly and mountainous ares, and distribution maps are effective planning tools for evaluating the meteorological conditions for individual farms in those areas where farms are small and interspersed. Public agricultural research centers in each prefecture of Japan have developed mesh meteorological data maps with some kilometers grid cell resolutions for local agriculture, and have been made many studies using mesh meteorological data maps. However, critical variations exist between estimated mesh data and actual meteorological condition within the area of each grid cell. To address this problem, methods of estimating air temperature and solar radiation on a 50m mesh (latitude 1.5\" × longitude 2.25\") were developed. While many studies with mesh meteorological data maps have been made, numbers of concrete examples of utility for agricultural activity in hilly and mountainous areas have been few. This paper presents therefore some studies for utilization facilitated of mesh meteorological data maps in hilly and mountainous areas. And furthermore, it is proposed some guides to utilize mesh meteorological data maps for the purpose of revitalizing an agricultural activity in hilly and mountainous area with concrete examples. The summary in this study are as given below. It was clarified the real states of air temperature distribution in hilly and mountainous area by means of a stepwise multiple regression analysis : a feature of maximum air temperature distribution was decided by mean elevation in the whole year ; a feature of minimum air temperature distribution was decided by mean elevation in weaker season of radiative cooling intensity, but a feature in stronger season of radiative cooling intensity was decided by a degree of geographical complexity ; minimum air temperature was comparatively high in valleys having large rivers even if stronger season of radiative cooling intensity ; a feature of mean air temperature distribution was similar to a feature of minimum air temperature distribution. It was clarified appropriate mesh resolution by comparison between air temperature maps on the 50m and 1km meshes. The features of both air temperature distributions of monthly maximum and monthly mean on the maps are similar in all seasons. Notably, the average difference between monthly air temperatures inside of the 1km mesh may be more over 3℃, since the area with a single mesh cell may contain more over 400m variation in elevation. The features of monthly minimum air temperature distributions on the 50m and 1km meshes are dissimilar in stronger seasons of radiative cooling intensity at particular higher elevations but in weaker seasons of radiative cooling intensity features are similar. Then the thermal belt did not appear in the 1km mesh maps of minimum monthly air temperature at those times. A new method is developed to estimate monthly mean air temperature using two different data sets : data measured over a short period at estimation sites, and data measured by the permanent meteorological observatory adjacent to estimation sites. The method developed involves estimating air temperature from the air temperature difference at an estimation site and at a permanent observation site. The air temperature is converted to potential temperature for compiling more accurate meteorological grid data estimated by a multiple regression analysis with the explanatory variates computed from the digital terrain model. Difference of the potential temperature is partitioned into two contributing factors : an impact degree influenced by radiative cooling intensity at the estimation site (T_ESC), and an impact degree influenced by radiative cooling intensity at the permanent observation site (T_SSC). A new meteorological scale \"RCS (Radiative Cooling Scale)\" proposed in the present study represents strength of the radiative cooling intensity determined from difference in potential temperature between an upper air pressure surface and the ground surface, since values of T_ESC and T_SSC are related to the strength of radiative cooling intensity. The RCS values in optional area is estimated by the multiple regression equation using three meteorological variables : the percentage of possible sunshine, daily range in temperature, and average nocturnal wind speed from UTC 1000 to 1200. The equation is formulated from observed data for 10 years (1990-1999) at Tateno aerological observatory in Ibaraki prefecture, Japan. The model used to estimate T_ESC is a linear expression that uses RCS as a variable. T_SSC is also correlated with RCS. However, the model used to estimate T_SSC is a multiple regression equation that uses similar explanatory variates as those used in the RCS model for more accuracy, since meteorological data is measured directly. Using the new method, it was estimated the root mean square error (RMSE) of monthly differences of the potential temperature in hilly areas to be 0.21 K. It was clarified the real states of solar radiation distribution in hilly and mountainous areas using 50m mesh solar radiation maps. Amount of solar radiation on slope was increasing with declination of solar altitude. Amount of solar radiation on the 50m and 5m meshes was similar in hilly and mountainous area. However, possible sunshine duration on 50m meshes may be shorter three hours than on 5m meshes. It was developed a new method for estimating daily, five-day, ten-day and monthly means of hourly direct and diffuse solar radiation to compiled mesh solar radiation maps more easily. The essence of the method is the estimation of two important factors related to solar radiation, atmospheric transmittance and a dimensionless parameter, using empirical and physical equations and data from general meteorological observation stations. This method estimated the RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) of hourly direct and diffuse solar radiation to be approximately 0.0~0.2MJ/・m^-2・h^-1 for all mean period. It was proposed some guides to utilize mesh meteorological data maps for agricultural activity in hilly and mountainous area with concrete examples : estimation of variety of air temperature existing in hilly and mountainous areas ; estimation of a relationship at greenhouse for rose cultivation between productivity and difference of minimum air temperature ; estimation of properties of eight kinds of soil under equal amount of solar radiation ; Developing of cartography of leaf blast disease occurrence risk map using meteorological data and patrol data. It was proposed that effective utilization of meteorological variety in hilly and mountainous areas would be efficient to enhance agricultural productivity and to practice precise agricultural activity using Geographical Information System (GIS) with some local data detailed. The detailed assessing of meteorological condition in target area is absolutely essential for effective utilization of meteorological variety and utilization of mesh meteorological data maps is an effective means for assessing areal meteorological condition. Systematic agriculture based on an idea which compares all farms existing in the whole area to one farm would be most appropriate agricultural form in hilly and mountainous areas.\n","subitem_description_type":"Abstract"}]},"item_10002_identifier_registration":{"attribute_name":"ID登録","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_identifier_reg_text":"10.24514/00001664","subitem_identifier_reg_type":"JaLC"}]},"item_10002_publisher_8":{"attribute_name":"出版者","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_publisher":"独立行政法人 農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構 近畿中国四国農業研究センター"}]},"item_10002_relation_14":{"attribute_name":"DOI","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_relation_type":"isIdenticalTo","subitem_relation_type_id":{"subitem_relation_type_id_text":"10.24514/00001664","subitem_relation_type_select":"DOI"}}]},"item_10002_source_id_9":{"attribute_name":"ISSN","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_source_identifier":"1347-1244","subitem_source_identifier_type":"ISSN"}]},"item_10002_version_type_20":{"attribute_name":"著者版フラグ","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_version_resource":"http://purl.org/coar/version/c_970fb48d4fbd8a85","subitem_version_type":"VoR"}]},"item_creator":{"attribute_name":"著者","attribute_type":"creator","attribute_value_mlt":[{"creatorNames":[{"creatorName":"植山, 秀紀"},{"creatorName":"ウエヤマ, ヒデキ","creatorNameLang":"ja-Kana"},{"creatorName":"UEYAMA, Hideki","creatorNameLang":"en"}],"nameIdentifiers":[{},{},{}]}]},"item_files":{"attribute_name":"ファイル情報","attribute_type":"file","attribute_value_mlt":[{"accessrole":"open_date","date":[{"dateType":"Available","dateValue":"2019-03-18"}],"displaytype":"detail","filename":"nwarc_report_No7p145-207p.pdf","filesize":[{"value":"10.5 MB"}],"format":"application/pdf","licensetype":"license_note","mimetype":"application/pdf","url":{"label":"nwarc_report_No7p145-207p.pdf ","url":"https://repository.naro.go.jp/record/1710/files/nwarc_report_No7p145-207p.pdf"},"version_id":"2277517b-b348-41a2-b75e-36d0275df8f9"}]},"item_keyword":{"attribute_name":"キーワード","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_subject":"中山間地域農業","subitem_subject_scheme":"Other"},{"subitem_subject":"メッシュ気象図","subitem_subject_scheme":"Other"},{"subitem_subject":"気温","subitem_subject_scheme":"Other"},{"subitem_subject":"日射量","subitem_subject_scheme":"Other"},{"subitem_subject":"50mメッシュ","subitem_subject_scheme":"Other"},{"subitem_subject":"GIS","subitem_subject_scheme":"Other"}]},"item_language":{"attribute_name":"言語","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_language":"jpn"}]},"item_resource_type":{"attribute_name":"資源タイプ","attribute_value_mlt":[{"resourcetype":"departmental bulletin paper","resourceuri":"http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_6501"}]},"item_title":"中山間地域農業におけるメッシュ気象図の利用","item_titles":{"attribute_name":"タイトル","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_title":"中山間地域農業におけるメッシュ気象図の利用"},{"subitem_title":"The Utilization of Mesh Meteorological Data Maps for Agricultural Activity in Hilly and Mountainous Area","subitem_title_language":"en"}]},"item_type_id":"10002","owner":"12","path":["349"],"pubdate":{"attribute_name":"公開日","attribute_value":"2019-03-22"},"publish_date":"2019-03-22","publish_status":"0","recid":"1710","relation_version_is_last":true,"title":["中山間地域農業におけるメッシュ気象図の利用"],"weko_creator_id":"12","weko_shared_id":12},"updated":"2023-05-15T15:28:17.839428+00:00"}