@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001708, author = {石川, 圭介 and ISHIKAWA, Keisuke and 堂山, 宗一郎 and DOYAMA, Soichiro and 上田, 弘則 and UEDA, Hironori and 江口, 祐輔 and EGUCHI, Yusuke}, journal = {農研機構研究報告 西日本農業研究センター, Bulletin of the NARO, Agricultural Research for Western Region}, month = {Mar}, note = {野生動物による農作物被害の軽減のためには,農家が自分の圃場を柵で囲うことが最も直接的な対策となる.しかし,農家は柵をしても被害が防げないと苦情を訴えることも多い.そこで,柵の設置状況について調査を行った.水稲,畑作物,家庭菜園,果樹合わせて 2,927 筆のうち 978 筆( 33.4%) には柵が設置されていなかった.柵は1 筆ごとに囲った単独防衛と複数の圃場を1 つの柵で囲った集団防衛があり,合わせて989の柵があった.しかし約半数( 478柵) には開放部分があり,完全に囲うことができていなかった.柵には,地際を止めていないなどの設置上の不具合も多数認められた.イノシシによる水稲の被害に対する農業共済補償金の支払いは,5 年間で219 件あった.そのうち32.0%は複数年繰り返し被害を受けていた.被害を受けた圃場で全周を囲った柵をしていたのは21.0%で,そのすべてに不適切な柵の設置が認められた., It is essential for farmers to defensed their agricultural field using fences from damage caused by wild animals. However, farmers complain that such damage cannot be prevented by installing fences. Therefore, we investigated the installation condition of the fences in the field. There were 2,927 fields with paddies, open culture, home gardens and orchards. In the 978 fields, the outer circumference of the fields was not completely enclosed. Fences were found to have many mistakes, such as not fixing the point of contact with the ground. There were 219 agricultural insurance payments for the damage of rice paddies by wild boars over a period of five years, of which 32.0% were repeatedly damaged. Only 21.0% had fencing completely surrounding fields damaged by wild boars. All of the damaged fields had poorly installed fencing.}, pages = {69--82}, title = {獣害対策における侵入防止柵の運用状況と被害発生の関連性 ─島根県美郷町の事例─}, volume = {19}, year = {2019}, yomi = {イシカワ, ケイスケ and ドウヤマ, ソウイチロウ and ウエダ, ヒロノリ and エグチ, ユウスケ} }