@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001683, author = {齋藤, 寿広 and SAITO, Toshihiro and 正田, 守幸 and SHODA, Moriyuki and 澤村, 豊 and SAWAMURA, Yutaka and 佐藤, 義彦 and SATO, Yoshihiko and 阿部, 和幸 and ABE, Kazuyuki and 寺井, 理治 and TERAI, Osamu and 西端, 豊英 and NISHIBATA, Toyohide and 樫村, 芳記 and KASHIMURA, Yoshiki and 福田, 博之 and FUKUDA, Hiroyuki and 木原, 武士 and KIHARA, Takeshi and 鈴木, 勝征 and SUZUKI, Katsuyuki and 壽, 和夫 and KOTOBUKI, Kazuo}, journal = {果樹研究所研究報告, Bulletin of the National Institute of Fruit Tree Science}, month = {Mar}, note = {The 6th local adaptability test on pear had been conducted at 42 experiment stations from1992 to1999, using 8 lines selected from the seedlings among the 6th breeding program of Japanese pear in the National Institute of Fruit Tree Science. The selected lines, 'Tsukuba 41' to 'Tsukuba 48', are resistant to black spot and have good fruit quality. The results of the test are presented. 'Tsukuba41', ' Tsukuba 42', 'Tsukuba 43' and 'Tsukuba 44' were judged to be not designated. On the other hand, 'Tsukuba 45', 'Tsukuba 46', 'Tsukuba 47' and 'Tsukuba 48' were designated as 'Akiakari', 'Shuurei', 'Akizuki' and 'Oushuu' respectively and registered as 'Nashi Norin No.20', 'Nashi Norin No.21,'Nashi Norin No.19' and 'Nashi Norin No.22' respectively. Application for registration under the Seeds and Seedlings Law of Japan is currently under consideration.}, pages = {71--88}, title = {ナシ第6回系統適応性検定試験の概要}, volume = {1}, year = {2002}, yomi = {サイトウ, トシヒロ and ショウダ, モリユキ and サワムラ, ユタカ and サトウ, ヨシヒコ and アベ, カズユキ and テライ, オサム and ニシバタ, トヨヒデ and カシムラ, ヨシキ and フクダ, ヒロユキ and キハラ, タケシ and スズキ, カツユキ and コトブキ, カズオ} }