@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001661, author = {細野, 達夫 and HOSONO, Tatsuo and 細井, 徳夫 and HOSOI, Norio}, journal = {野菜茶業研究所研究報告, Bulletin of the National Institute of Vegetable and Tea Science}, month = {Mar}, note = {Nitrous oxide (N_2O) and nitric oxide (NO) fluxes that occurred during long-term tomato cultivation in planters in a glasshouse were continuously measured using the flow-through chamber method over the course of three cultivation periods. The tomatoes were cultivated by means of drip fertigation (i.e., simultaneous fertilization with drip irrigation). The soil used in the planters was a fine-textured clay-loamy yellow soil. In the former 2 cultivation periods, nitrogen was applied with a compound fertilizer containing nitrate-N and urea-N in drip fertigation plots (DF plots) and the plots with conventional fertilization (i.e., pre-plant basal application and the following top dressings) were adopted as control plots (CF plots). In the third cultivation period, the tomatoes were cultivated by means of drip fertigation in both plots. In one of the plots, nitrogen was applied only with calcium nitrate (CN plot) ; and a compound fertilizer containing nitrate-N and urea-N was applied in the other plot (control plot). The following conclusions could be drawn : 1) In both cases of applying fertilizers containing nitrate and urea or containing only nitrate as nitrogen, after every drip fertigation (1 to 10 times a day with the 1 to 15 min duration each time), immediate increases in N_2O fluxes were observed, with a very short period of peak emissions (within 1 hour). NO fluxes also increased immediately after drip fertigation of the fertilizer that included urea (i.e., in the DF plots in the 1st and 2nd cultivation periods and in the control plot in the 3rd cultivation period). In those plots, the changing pattern in NO fluxes was similar with that of N_2O fluxes in the warmer season but the peak period of NO fluxes was delayed several hours in the cooler season. 2) Daily N_2O emissions in the drip fertigation plot (DF plot) were lower than those in the conventional fertilization plot (CF plot) during the peak periods after basal application of fertilizer in the CF plot. However, daily N_2O emissions in the DF plot gradually increased with an increase in the daily amount of nitrogen applied, and tended to be larger than that in the CF plot during the latter period within each cultivation period. Daily NO emissions were lower in DF plots than in CF plots in most cases. 3) Total amounts of N_2O emissions during the entire cultivation periods in the DF plot were 0.8 times and 1.4 times of those in the CF plot in the first cultivation period which started in the spring season (March) and in the second cultivation period which started in the winter season (November), respectively. Total amounts of NO emissions in the DF plots during the two cultivation periods were smaller than those in the CF plots by a factor of 0.3 to 0.4. 4) In the 3rd cultivation period which started in the winter (December), the percentages of total applied N emitted as N_2O and NO in the CN plots were 1.3 times and 0.3 times compared with those in the control plots, respectively.}, pages = {9--25}, title = {トマト養液土耕栽培からの N_2O および NO 放出特性の解明}, volume = {7}, year = {2008}, yomi = {ホソノ, タツオ and ホソイ, ノリオ} }