@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001655, author = {富岡, 啓介 and TOMIOKA, Keisuke}, journal = {近畿中国四国農業研究センター研究報告, BULLETIN of THE NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH CENTER for WESTERN REGION}, month = {Dec}, note = {In Japan, consumers' needs for farm products are varying, and reinvigoration of agriculture as a key industry is being positively promoted in social, governmental or economical aspects. Thereby, areas, scales, seasons and/or styles of cultivation and distribution of the crops are diversifying as well as kinds of the products are increasing. This tendency is remarkable in production of flowers and vegetables being rising in profitability. In parallel, unknown damages are increasing in their production. Most of the damages are fungal diseases. It is guessed that new fungal diseases mainly and continuously increase on a large variety of flowers and vegetables in comparison with major crops such as rice, wheat and so on, on which various damages including physiological disorder have been already studied vigorously. As the basis to develop prevention measures of new fungal diseases on flowers and vegetables, identification of pathogens and diagnosis of the diseases must be rapidly and correctly carried out every time before all else. The author investigated outstanding damages on flowers and vegetables cultivated in Japan, and clarified that all of them were fungal diseases. The causal agents of their diseases, which were placed as "new diseases" or "diseases caused by fungi new to Japan", were identified, and a diagnostic method aiming at brief points of distinctive features about symptoms and pathogens were proposed to make on-the-spot diagnosis easily, rapidly and correctly. 1 A fungal disease with leaf spot, leaf blight or whole plant dead was found on potted plants of dahurian patrinia (Patrinia scabiosaefolia, a valerianaceous flower) grown outdoors lcated in Ichihasama, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan, in October 1998. The pathogen was identified as Colletotrichum coccodes belonging to Coelomycetes / Melanconiaceae. The disease was named as anthracnose, "tanso-byo" in Japanese, as a new disease. 2 A fungal disease with leaf spot, whole plant wilt or whole plant dead was found on potted plants of nemesia (Nemesia strumosa, a scrophulariaceous flower) grown in green houses located in Toyonaka, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan, in February 1999. The pathogen was identified as Colletotrichum fuscum belonging to Coelomycetes / Melanconiaceae. The disease was named as anthracnose, "tanso-byo" in Japanese, as a new disease. 3 A fungal disease with leaf spot or leaf blight was found on potted plants of kalanchoe (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana, a crassulaceous flower) grown in green houses located in Tadotsu, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan, in April 1996. The pathogen was identified as Stemphylium lycopersici belonging to Hyphomycetes / Dematiaceae. The disease was named as leaf spot, "hanten-byo" in Japanese, as a new disease. 4 A fungal disease with leaf spot or leaf blight was found on marigold (Tagetes erecta and Tagetes patula, composite flowers) grown on flower beds located in Ichihasama, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan, in October 1998. The pathogen was identified as Alternaria tagetica belonging to Hyphomycetes / Dematiaceae. Distribution of this fungus in Japan had not been noted, though the disease had been already known as leaf spot in other countries. It was a disease caused by a fungus new to Japan, and named as "hanten-byo", which means leaf spot in Japanese, as the common name in Japan. 5 A fungal disease with foliar wilt or whole plant dead was found on potted plants of cherry pepper (Capsicum annuum var. cerasiforme, a solanaceous flower) grown outdoors located in Zentsuji, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan, in October 1998. The pathogen was identified as heterothallic Phytophthora capsici belonging to Oomycetes / Pythiaceae. The disease was named as Phytophthora blight, "eki-byo" in Japanese, as a new disease. 6 A fungal disease with leaf rot or whole plant rot was found on potted plants of bergeranthus (Bergeranthus jamesii, an aizoaceous flower) grown in green houses located in Zentsuji, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan, in August 1999. The pathogen was identified as homothallic Pythium myriotylum belonging to Oomycetes / Pythiaceae. The disease was named as Pythium rot, "fuhai-byo" in Japanese, as a new disease. 7 Two fungal diseases with fruit rot was found on ripe fruits of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum var. grossum, a solanaceous vegetable) harvested in plastic houses located in Zentsuji, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan, in September 1999. The pathogens were identified as Fusicoccum aesculi and Phomopsis phomoides belonging to Coelomycetes / Sphaerioidaceae. Both diseases were named as fruit rot, "kajitsu-fuhai-byo" in Japanese, as new diseases. 8 A fungal disease with fruit rot was found on unripe fruits of sweet pepper harvested in plastic houses located in Zentsuji, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan, in May 2001. The pathogen was identified as Fusarium lateritium belonging to Hyphomycetes / Tuberculariaceae. The disease was named as fruit rot, "migusare-byo" in Japanese, as a new disease. 9 Fungal diseases with stem blight, stem collapse or whole plant dead were found on yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius, a composite root vegetable) and oca (Oxalis tuberosa, an oxalidaceous tuber vegetable) grown in trial fields located in Zentsuji, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan, in July to September 1995 and 1996. Each pathogen was identified as Macrophomina phaseolina belonging to Coelomycetes / Sphaerioidaceae. Both diseases were named as charcoal rot, "sumigusare-byo" in Japanese, as new diseases. 10 A fungal disease with stem blight or whole plant dead was found on yacon grown in trial fields located in Kuma, Ehime Prefecture, Japan, in August to September 1996 and 1999. The pathogen was identified as Rhizoctonia solani belonging to Hyphomycetes / Agonomycetaceae. The disease was named as Rhizoctonia blight, "tachigare-byo" in Japanese, as a new disease. 11 A fungal disease with stem blight, stem collapse or whole plant dead was found on ulluco (Ullucus tuberosus, a basellaceous tuber vegetable) grown in trial fields located in Zentsuji, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan, in September 1999. The pathogen was identified as homothallic Pythium aphanidermatum belonging to Oomycetes / Pythiaceae. The disease was named as foot rot, "koshiore-byo" in Japanese, as a new disease. 12 The above diseases can be easily, rapidly and correctly diagnosed by aiming at the following brief points of distinctive features about symptoms and pathogens. Anthracnose of dahurian patrinia by Colletotrichum coccodes : (1) Leaf spot, leaf blight or whole plant blight is assumed, (2) Many sclerotia with setae appear on lesions. Anthracnose of nemesia by Colletotrichum fuscum : (1) Leaf spot, wilt or whole plant blight is assumed, (2) Acervuli with setae and unicellular, hyaline, curved-fusiform conidia appear on lesions, (3) Isolates form many chlamydospores. Leaf spot of kalanchoe by Stemphylium lycopersici : (1) Leaf spot or leaf blight is assumed, (2) Brown, muriform-multiseptate conidia, with a length to breadth ratio (l/b) greater than 3 appear on lesions. Leaf spot of marigold by Alternaria tagetica : (1) Leaf spot or leaf blight is assumed, (2) Brown, multiseptate, obclavate with a single beak, rugulose conidia appear on lesions. Phytophthora blight of cherry pepper by Phytophthora capsici : (1) Wilt or damping-off is assumed, (2) Isolates form zoosporangia, which detach with a long pedicel, in their cottony colonies. Pythium rot of bergeranthus by Pythium myriotylum : (1) Stem and foliage rot is assumed, (2) Isolates produce aplerotic oospores, which are formed by conjugation of up to 10 antheridia per oogonium, in their cottony colonies, (3) Isolates grow even at 40℃. Fruit rot of sweet pepper by Fusicoccum aesculi : (1) Fruit rot is assumed, (2) Pycnidia with unicellular, hyaline, fusiform conidia up to 15 _m in length appear on lesions. Fruit rot of sweet pepper by Phomopsis phomoides : (1) Fruit rot is assumed, (2) Pycnidia with elliptic to fusiform conidia and rod-shaped conidia appear on lesions. Fruit rot of sweet pepper by Fusarium lateritium : (1) Fruit rot is assumed, (2) Isolates form hyaline, falcate conidia, which are 4 to 6 cells and with foots, in their yellowish brown colonies. Charcoal rot of yacon by Macrophomina phaseolina : (1) Stem blight or whole plant blight is assumed, (2) Black, subglobose sclerotia appear inside of diseased stems, (3) Colonies of isolates produced at 35℃ for 2 days are up to 70 mm in diameter. Rhizoctonia blight of yacon by Rhizoctonia solani : (1) Stem blight or whole plant blight is assumed, (2) Brown, coenocytic mycelia with dolipore septa (without clamp-connection) thickly grow inside of diseased stems. Charcoal rot of oca by Macrophomina phaseolina : (1) Stem blight or whole plant blight is assumed, (2) Black, subglobose sclerotia appear on diseased stems, (3) Colonies of isolates produced at 35℃ for 2 days are up to 70 mm in diameter. Foot rot of ulluco by Pythium aphanidermatum : (1) Stem blight, collapse or whole plant blight is assumed, (2) Isolates produce aplerotic oospores, which are formed by conjugation of l antheridium per oogonium, in their cottony colonies, (3) Oogonial stalks are straight toward antheridia}, pages = {91--187}, title = {菌類による花卉・野菜の新病害の立証と診断}, volume = {5}, year = {2005}, yomi = {トミオカ, ケイスケ} }