@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001645, author = {熊倉, 裕史 and KUMAKURA, Hiroshi and 藤原, 隆広 and FUJIWARA, Takahiro and 池田, 敬 and IKEDA, Takashi}, journal = {近畿中国四国農業研究センター研究報告, BULLETIN of THE NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH CENTER for WESTERN REGION}, month = {Dec}, note = {Inflorescence development was investigated in runner plants of 'Sachinoka' strawberry after exposure to a couple of practical flower inductive runner-cooling regimens and subsequent several high temperature regimens to facilitate forcing management. In some of treated plants, the terminal flower bud that had induced by the runner-cooling treatment ceased development towards inflorescence, and re-started vegetative leaf development by 2-10 days exposure to temperatures around 35/20℃ (day/night) (not accelerated plants flowering ; NAP). The frequency of NAP varied according to the duration and timing of exposure to the 35/20℃ regimen. Regarding duration, the rate of NAP was greater after 10 days exposure than after 2-5 days exposure. Regarding timing, the rate of NAP was greater when the 35/20℃ regimen started 5-10 days after planting compared to that when exposure was started immediately after planting. Additionally, exposure to temperatures around 35/20℃ prolonged the interval from planting to flower bud emergence by a few days even among plants whose flowering was successfully accelerated by runner-cooling. In contrast, flowering of almost all of the plants exempted from high temperatures was successfully accelerated even if they were planted in late-August and produced a favorable early crop.}, pages = {1--18}, title = {イチゴ 'さちのか' の花房発達に及ぼす花芽分化誘起処理後の高温の影響}, volume = {5}, year = {2005}, yomi = {クマクラ, ヒロシ and フジワラ, タカヒロ and イケダ, タカシ} }