@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001607, author = {笹原, 英樹 and SASAHARA, Hideki and 三浦, 清之 and MIURA, Kiyoyuki and 清水, 博之 and SHIMIZU, Hiroyuki and 後藤, 明俊 and GOTO, Akitoshi and 重宗, 明子 and SHIGEMUNE, Akiko and 長岡, 一朗 and NAGAOKA, Ichiro and 上原, 泰樹 and UWHARA, Yasuki and 小林, 陽 and KOBAYASHI, Akira and 太田, 久稔 and OHTA, Hisatoshi and 大槻, 寛 and OTSUKI, Hiroshi and 矢野, 昌裕 and YANO, Masahiro}, journal = {中央農業総合研究センター研究報告, Bulletin of the National Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Oct}, note = {In a breeding program aimed at developing rice cultivars with new grain characteristics, the NARO Hokuriku Research Center has bred 'Koshinokaori', a non-glutinous cultivar with high amylose content suitable for rice noodles. 'Koshinokaori' was bred from the progeny of successive backcrosses between japonica 'Kinuhikari'(recurrent parent), which has the semi-dwarfing gene sd1, and indica 'Surjamukhi' (donor parent), which has high amylose content in milled grain. From the BC_3F_8 progeny, we selected a promising line, which we named 'Hokuriku 207' and sent to various locations for evaluation of local adaptability. 'Hokuriku 207' was registered with the Plant Cultivar Protection Office of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in 2011 as 'Koshinokaori'. The heading date of 'Koshinokaori' is slightly earlier than that of 'Koshihikari', but the ripening date is the same. The culm length is about 15 cm shorter than that of 'Koshihikari', the panicle length is about 1.5 cm shorter, and it has fewer panicles. The plant type is the semi-panicle-weight type. The grain shape is round and similar to that of 'Koshihikari'. The amylose content in milled rice of 'Koshinokaori' is about 15 points higher than that of 'Koshihikari'. Cooked rice noodles made from 'Koshinokaori' are less sticky than those made from 'Koshihikari', and are therefore less likely to stick to each other. 'Koshinokaori' is estimated to possess the blast resistant gene Pii. The field resistance for leaf blast is judged to be moderate and that for panicle blast to be moderately weak. It shows weakish tolerance to sprouting and weak tolerance to cool weather. 'Koshinokaori' can be grown from the mid-Tohoku area to Kyushu.}, pages = {15--29}, title = {製麺用高アミロース水稲品種「越のかおり」の育成}, volume = {19}, year = {2013}, yomi = {ササハラ, ヒデキ and ミウラ, キヨユキ and シミズ, ヒロユキ and ゴトウ, アキトシ and シゲムネ, アキコ and ナガオカ, イチロウ and ウエハラ, ヤスキ and コバヤシ, アキラ and オオタ, ヒサトシ and オオツキ, ヒロシ and ヤノ, マサヒロ} }