@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001603, author = {伊藤, 誠治 and ITO, Seiji and 大澤, 良 and OHSAWA, Ryo and 馬場, 孝秀 and BABA, Takahide and 青木, 恵美子 and AOKI, Emiko and 堤, 忠宏 and TSUTSUMI, Tadahiro and 荒川, 明 and ARAKAWA, Akira and 林, 敬子 and HAYASHI, Keiko}, journal = {中央農業総合研究センター研究報告, Bulletin of the National Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Mar}, note = {In 2005, a new variety of tartary buckwheat [Fagopyrum tataricum (L.) Gaertn.], 'Hokuriku 4', which is adapted for cultivation in Honshu, was developed at the Hokuriku Research Center of NARO Agricultural Research Center (NARO/NARC) (formerly, the Hokuriku National Agricultural Experiment Station). 'Hokuriku 4' was selected from the variety 'DATTANSHU (Rotundatum)' preserved in the NIAS Genebank. The times to full flowering and maturity in 'Hokuriku 4' are 4 and 5 days earlier, respectively, than in 'Hokkai T8,' the tartary buckwheat well adapted to growing in Hokkaido. Although the height of full−grown 'Hokuriku 4' plants is approximately 10 cm shorter than that of 'Hokkai T8' plants, the grain yield of these two varieties is almost equal. The level of rutin in the grains of tartary buckwheat is typically higher than that in the grains of common buckwheat, and its level in 'Hokuriku 4' is approximately 80 times that in the 'Toyomusume' variety of common buckwheat.}, pages = {1--13}, title = {ダッタンソバ新品種「北陸4号」の育成とその特性}, volume = {18}, year = {2013}, yomi = {イトウ, セイジ and オオサワ, リョウ and ババ, タカヒデ and アオキ, エミコ and ツツミ, タダヒロ and アラカワ, アキラ and ハヤシ, ケイコ} }