@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001597, author = {重宗, 明子 and SHIGEMUNE, Akiko and 三浦, 清之 and MIURA, Kiyoyuki and 上原, 泰樹 and UWHARA, Yasuki and 小林, 陽 and KOBAYASHI, Akira and 古賀, 義昭 and KOGA, Yoshiaki and 内山田, 博士 and UCHIYAMADA, Hiroshi and 佐本, 四郎 and SAMOTO, Shiro and 笹原, 英樹 and SASAHARA, Hideki and 後藤, 明俊 and GOTO, Akitoshi and 太田, 久稔 and OHTA, Hisatoshi and 清水, 博之 and SHIMIZU, Hiroyuki and 藤田, 米一 and FUJITA, Yonekazu and 石坂, 昇助 and ISHIZAKA, Shosuke and 中川原, 捷洋 and NAKAGAHRA, Masahiro and 奥野, 員敏 and OKUNO, Kazutoshi and 山田, 利昭 and YAMADA, Toshiaki and 堀内, 久満 and HORIUCHI, Hisamitsu and 大槻, 寛 and OTSUKI, Hiroshi and 丸山, 清明 and MARUYAMA, Kiyoaki}, journal = {中央農業総合研究センター研究報告, Bulletin of the National Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Mar}, note = {In the breeding program aiming at developing rice varieties with a new useful grain characteristic, we bred a new rice variety, "Kareimai", at Hokuriku Research Center of National Agricultural Research Center. This variety is a non-glutinous rice variety suitable for curry and rice. "Kareimai" was bred from the progeny of a cross between Milyang 23 and Akihikari in 1979. From the F_8 progenies, we selected one promising line and named Hokuriku 149, and submitted the line to various locations for evaluating local adaptability. Hokuriku 149 was officially registered as Paddy Rice Norin 415 in MAFF and in 2006 it was named as "Kareimai". Agronomic characters of "Kareimai" evaluated are as follows. The heading date and ripening date is slightly earlier than "Koshihikari". Comparing with "Koshihikari", the culm length is about 20cm shorter, the panicle length is about 3cm longer and the panicle number is less. The plant type of this variety is classified into panicle weight type. The grain shape is slender. The surface of cooked rice of "Kareimai" is harder than "Koshihikari", but that of overall hardness is same as "Koshihikari". Therefore, "Kareimai" is suitable for curry and rice. "Kareimai" is estimated to possess true blast resistant genes, "Pia" and "Pib". The field resistance for leaf blast and panicle blast are not known. Tolerance to sprouting is weakish and cool weather tolerance is very weak. "Kareimai" can be grown in a region from Middle-Tohoku area to Kyushu area of Japan for new uses of rice.}, pages = {17--37}, title = {カレー用調理米飯向きの水稲新品種「華麗舞」の育成}, volume = {16}, year = {2011}, yomi = {シゲムネ, アキコ and ミウラ, キヨユキ and ウエハラ, ヤスキ and コバヤシ, アキラ and コガ, ヨシアキ and ウチヤマダ, ヒロシ and サモト, シロウ and ササハラ, ヒデキ and ゴトウ, アキトシ and オオタ, ヒサトシ and シミズ, ヒロユキ and フジタ, ヨネカズ and イシザカ, ショウスケ and ナカガハラ, マサヒロ and オクノ, カズトシ and ヤマダ, トシアキ and ホリウチ, ヒサミツ and オオツキ, ヒロシ and マルヤマ, キヨアキ} }