@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001559, author = {吉田, 建実 and YOSHIDA, Tatemi and 門馬, 信二 and MONMA, Shinji and 松永, 啓 and MATSUNAGA, Hiroshi and 坂田, 好輝 and SAKATA, Yoshiteru and 佐藤, 隆徳 and SATO, Takanori and 齊藤, 猛雄 and SAITO, Takeo}, journal = {野菜茶業研究所研究報告, Bulletin of the National Institute of Vegetable and Tea Science}, month = {Mar}, note = {'Daizaburou' is a new rootstock cultivar of eggplant,and was registered as 'Nasu Nourin Dai No.3' in 2003. 'Daizaburou' is an eggplant (Solanum melongena) and an inbred line, though most of the rootstock cultivars for eggplant are interspecific hybrids or related species in Japan. 'Daizaburou' is highly resistant to bacterial wilt and Fusarium wilt. The earliness and uniformity of seed germination and early growth of 'Daizaburou' seedlings were superior to those of related species rootstock varieties, this means that grafting is easy. The total yield of scions grafted on 'Daizaburou' were equal to those of 'Daitaro'. The fruit qualities such as shape or outer color, of scions on 'Daizaburou' were almost the same as those on 'Daitaro'. 'Daizaburou' is suitable for summer culture in areas infested with bacterial wilt.}, pages = {199--211}, title = {青枯病・半枯病抵抗性のナス台木用品種 '台三郎' の育成とその特性}, volume = {3}, year = {2004}, yomi = {ヨシダ, タテミ and モンマ, シンジ and マツナガ, ヒロシ and サカタ, ヨシテル and サトウ, タカノリ and サイトウ, タケオ} }