@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001537, author = {菅原, 幸治 and SUGAHARA, Koji and 上田, 義治 and UEDA, Yoshiharu and 古江, 広治 and FURUE, Koji and 草場, 敬 and KUSABA, Takashi and 三浦, 憲蔵 and MIURA, Kenzo}, journal = {中央農業総合研究センター研究報告, Bulletin of the National Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Mar}, note = {To support rational fertilization management on upland farms, Internet-based software was developed to estimate the soil mineral nitrogen balance in response to fertilizer applications, cropping, soil conditions, and climate conditions. The system was comprised of a database of nitrogen mineralization parameters in soils or organic fertilizers based on a nationwide survey, a database of crop nutrient uptake parameters, soil nitrogen dynamic models, an AMeDAS meteorological database, and Web interface programs. The models to calculate soil nitrogen balance was comprised of nitrogen mineralization models, a crop nitrogen uptake mode1, and a soil nitrogen leaching model. Two versions of Web interface programs were developed, using Microsoft server products. In the simple version, users can run the models easily by entering an AMeDAS geological point, a vegetable crop, cropping period, amount of fertilizers, and a soil group. In the detailed version mainly for researchers, users can optionally enter parameter values for the soil nitrogen dynamic models. The Soil Nitrogen Balance Estimation System is open to the public on WWW (http://riss.narc.affrc.go.jp/kssys/soil/nitro.asp). Nitrogen dynamic model parameters from a wider range of sites are required for the system in order to estimate the nitrogen balance under various regional soil conditions. Now, in cooperation with prefectural researchers mainly, system improvement and data collection are being continued.}, pages = {99--105}, title = {インターネットで利用できる畑土壌窒素収支推定システムの開発}, volume = {3}, year = {2003}, yomi = {スガハラ, コウジ and ウエダ, ヨシハル and フルエ, コウジ and クサバ, タカシ and ミウラ, ケンゾウ} }