@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001471, author = {望月, 寛子 and MOCHIZUKI-KAWAI, Hiroko and 植松, 史郎 and UEMATSU, Shiro and 野村, 和成 and NOMURA, Kazunari and 腰岡, 政二 and KOSHIOKA, Masaji}, journal = {花き研究所研究報告, Bulletin of the National Institute of Floricultural Science}, month = {Dec}, note = {It has been reported that, in city life, public spaces with nature play important roles in area communication and human health. The aim of this study was to investigate the psychosocial effects of a rose garden for visitors. Using questionnaires, we asked visitors about their purposes of visiting and how their mood changed in the garden. The results showed that the rose garden provided opportunities for people to enjoy many roses with family members or friends. Members of nursing homes and schools used the garden space as a recreation area. Relaxation and stress reduction were reported in about half of visitors. These results suggest that rose gardens might help improve the quality of life of visitors.}, pages = {65--73}, title = {バラ園が来園者の心理状態に与える効果}, volume = {10}, year = {2010}, yomi = {モチヅキ, ヒロコ and ウエマツ, シロウ and ノムラ, カズナリ and コシオカ, マサジ} }