@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001419, author = {八木, 隆徳 and YAGI, Takanori and 坂上, 清一 and SAKANOUE, Seiichi and 渡辺, 也恭 and WATANABE, Nariyasu and 渡邊, 也恭 and 高橋, 俊 and TAKAHASHI, Shun and 小路, 敦 and SHOJI, Atsushi}, journal = {北海道農業研究センター研究報告, Research BUlletin of the NARO Hokkaido Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Mar}, note = {Although the importance of native grasslands is increasing the recognition of biodiversity conservation and local culture, the mechanism of vegetation succession is still unknown. The purpose of this study was to explore the vegetation succession process of the Miscanthus-type grassland, which is one of the typical semi-natural grassland vegetation of Japan. In Sapporo, Hokkaido, close to the northern distribution limit of Miscanthus sinensis, the effects of summer harvest on the vegetation and aboveground biomass of the native Miscanthus-type grassland was investigated for 10 years. Dominance of Miscanthus could be maintained by annual or biennial summer harvesting by suppressed Sasa sinensis. The number of species (26 species/30 m^2, 5.1-7.0 species/m^2) was lower than that in other areas of Japan, and the species number and diversity index did not increase despite enrichment of the light environment. Aboveground biomass of only Miscanthus (120-300 gDM/m^2) did not differ between the treatments. The biomass tended to decrease during biennial harvesting, thus suggesting that in order to retain the biomass for long-term, it should not be harvested often and should be conserved.}, pages = {13--23}, title = {北海道におけるススキ(Miscanthussinensis)草地の植生遷移と生産力の推移}, volume = {199}, year = {2013}, yomi = {ヤギ, タカノリ and サカノウエ, セイイチ and ワタナベ, ナリヤス and タカハシ, シュン and ショウジ, アツシ} }