@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001393, author = {室, 崇人 and MURO, Takato and 野口, 裕司 and NOGUCHI, Yuji and 森下, 昌三 and MORISHITA, Masami and 伊藤, 喜三男 and ITO, Kimio and 杉山, 慶太 and SUGIYAMA, Keita and 近藤, 友宏 and KONDO, Tomohiro and 榑沼, 安壽彦 and KURENUMA, Yasuhiko and 大野, 幸宏 and ONO, Takahiro}, journal = {北海道農業研究センター研究報告, Research BUlletin of the NARO Hokkaido Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Mar}, note = {Quer-rich', a new long-day red onion variety, was co-developed by Nippon Norin Seed Co. and registered in 2008. 'Quer-rich' is a hybrid of 'NOR-1A' and 'SRG-12'. The long-storage male sterile line 'NOR-1A' was bred by Nippon Norin Seed Co. 'SRG-12' was bred from a North American open-pollinated variety, 'Southport Red Globe', at National Agricultural Research Center for Hokkaido Region in 1998. It is adaptable to Hokkaido and has good bulb quality. 'Quer-rich' has the highest quercetin content of varieties cultivated in Hokkaido, about 20% higher quercetin content than that of the major var. 'Super Kita-momiji'. 'Quer-rich' is superior to the long-day red variety 'Kurenai' in bulb skin color, Brix and bulb storage capability. The yield of 'Quer-rich' is generally 20% lower than that of 'Super Kita-momiji' but is equal to that of 'Kurenai'. 'Quer-rich' is adaptable to areas in which spring-sown onions are cultivated, and the added value of its high quercetin content is expected to make the new variety popular among health -conscious consumers.}, pages = {25--32}, title = {ケルセチンを高含有する赤タマネギ新品種「クエルリッチ」の育成とその特性}, volume = {192}, year = {2010}, yomi = {ムロ, タカト and ノグチ, ユウジ and モリシタ, マサミ and イトウ, キミオ and スギヤマ, ケイタ and コンドウ, トモヒロ and クレヌマ, ヤスヒコ and オオノ, タカヒロ} }