@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001389, author = {本田, 裕 and HONDA, Yutaka and 六笠, 裕治 and MUKASA, Yuji and 鈴木, 達郎 and SUZUKI, Tatsuro and FUNATSUKI, Wakako and 船附, 稚子 and 船附, 秀行 and FUNATSUKI, Hideyuki and 関村, 潔 and SEKIMURA, Kiyoshi and 加藤, 眞次郎 and KATO, Shinjiro and 我妻, 正迪 and AGATSUMA, Masamichi}, journal = {北海道農業研究センター研究報告, Research BUlletin of the NARO Hokkaido Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Mar}, note = {A new common buckwheat cultivar, "Kitanomashu", was developed at National Agricultural Research Center for the Hokkaido Region, Sapporo, Japan. This cultivar was registered as "Buckwheat Norin No.4", released by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and recommended by the Hokkaido prefectural government. "Kitanomashu" was a deteminate type of variety derived from a plant of a population of about 9,000 plants by Kitawasesoba. The characteristics of "Kitanomasyu" are summarized as follows. (1) Lodging is less than 'Kitawasesoba'. (2) Taste is better than 'Kitawasesoba'. (3) It must be cultured in an isolated area as a population (4) The appropriate amount of fertilizer and sowing time is recommended for high yield and against lodging. (5) Shattering is the same as 'Kitawasesoba'. "Kitanomashu" is suitable for all area of Hokkaido.}, pages = {1--41}, title = {ソバ品種「キタノマシュウ」の育成とその特性}, volume = {191}, year = {2009}, yomi = {ホンダ, ユタカ and ムカサ, ユウジ and スズキ, タツロウ and フナツキ, ワカコ and フナツキ, ヒデユキ and セキムラ, キヨシ and カトウ, シンジロウ and アガツマ, マサミチ} }