@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001387, author = {杉山, 慶太 and SUGIYAMA, Keita and 森下, 昌三 and MORISHITA, Masami and 野口, 裕司 and NOGUCHI, Yuji and 伊藤, 喜三男 and ITO, Kimio and 室, 崇人 and MURO, Takato and 渡邉, 春彦 and WATANABE, Haruhiko and 早坂, 良晴 and HAYASAKA, Yoshiharu and 浜田, 佳子 and HAMADA, Yoshiko and 嘉見, 大助 and KAMI, Daisuke}, journal = {北海道農業研究センター研究報告, Research BUlletin of the NARO Hokkaido Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Mar}, note = {'TC2A', a new squash cultivar with short internodes and high quality fruit, was bred from a cross between 'BHA' and 'Hokkai 1', and was released in May 2007. 'BHA' and 'Hokkai 1' were bred at the Watanabe seed Co. Ltd. and the National Research Center for the Hokkaido Region, respectively. The main features of 'TC2A' are : 1. The main stem has short internodes with up to about 13 nodes, and the plant shape is bushy. During the plant's development, the main stem gradually lengthens. There are a few lateral shoots. Elongation of the internodes is promoted by high temperatures, with the lower internodes elongating first. 2. The flowering time of both male and female flowers is early, and fruit-set occurs in the lower 10 to 13 nodes. 3. The fruit is heart shaped and weighs 1.8 to 2.0kg. The diameter at the blossom end is small. On the rind surface, there are stripes of gray-green and shallow grooves, and the rind hardness is medium. The fruit flesh color is deep yellow or orange-yellow. The dry-matter content of the flesh is 20 to 30%, and the sugar content (Brix) is high. The flesh is thick and mealy. Thus, the eating quality is superior. 4. The fruit yield of 'TC2A' in dense plantings is higher than that of 'Ebis', which is a standard high-yielding cultivar. 5. It is not necessary to pinch the main stem after planting, because branching is unnecessary. Therefore, fuss-free cultivation is possible. Harvesting is easy and can be finished in a short time because the fruit sets near the point of planting. 6. Nursery tests indicated that 'TC2A' shows stronger powdery mildew resistance than 'Ebis'. In the field, the timing of infection is the same in both cultivars, but in 'TC2A' the leaves near the base tend to die down early.}, pages = {1--58}, title = {省力性と良食味のかぼちゃ新品種「TC2A」の育成とその特性}, volume = {190}, year = {2009}, yomi = {スギヤマ, ケイタ and モリシタ, マサミ and ノグチ, ユウジ and イトウ, キミオ and ムロ, タカト and ワタナベ, ハルヒコ and ハヤサカ, ヨシハル and ハマダ, ヨシコ and カミ, ダイスケ} }