@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001382, author = {鈴木, 達郎 and SUZUKI, Tatsuro and 木村, 正義 and KIMURA, Masayoshi and 川勝, 正夫 and KAWAKATSU, Masao and 中司, 啓二 and NAKATSUKA, Keiji and 金, 善州 and KIM, Sun-ju and 六笠, 裕治 and MUKASA, Yuji and 横田, 聡 and YOKOTA, Satoshi and 山内, 宏昭 and YAMAUCHI, Hiroaki and 瀧川, 重信 and TAKIGAWA, Shigenobu and 野田, 高弘 and NODA, Takahiro and 橋本, 直人 and HASHIMOTO, Naoto and ENDO, Chie and 遠藤, 千絵 and MATSUURA, Chie}, journal = {北海道農業研究センター研究報告, Research BUlletin of the NARO Hokkaido Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Mar}, note = {"Hokkai T9" and "Hokkai T10" are new Tartary buckwheat varieties developed at the National Agricultural Research Center for Hokkaido Region and were released in October 2007. They were developed for the production of sprouts or dried sprout powder such as "Ao-Jiru juice". "Hokkai T9" was developed by selection from "Dattan-shu" treated with colchicine and has a thick hypocotyl. "Hokkai T10" was developed from a mutant of "Hokkai T8" treated with ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS) and has a red hypocotyl and cotyledon during the early sprout development stage. Rutin concentrations of "Hokkai T9" and "Hokkai T10" were 1.3- and 1.7- times higher than that of "Hokkai T8", respectively. Seed yields of "Hokkai T9" and "Hokkai T10" were much lower than that of "Hokkai T8". "Hokkai T9" and "Hokkai T10" are suitable for high value-added products such as sprouts or dried sprout powder such as "Ao-Jiru juice".}, pages = {1--22}, title = {スプラウト(発芽野菜)に適するだったんそば品種「北海T9号」、「北海T10号」の育成}, volume = {188}, year = {2008}, yomi = {スズキ, タツロウ and キムラ, マサヨシ and カワカツ, マサオ and ナカツカ, ケイジ and ムカサ, ユウジ and ヨコタ, サトシ and ヤマウチ, ヒロアキ and タキガワ, シゲノブ and ノダ, タカヒロ and ハシモト, ナオト and エンドウ, チエ and マツウラ, チエ} }