@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001375, author = {西浦, 明子 and NISHIURA, Akiko}, journal = {北海道農業研究センター研究報告, Research BUlletin of the NARO Hokkaido Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Mar}, note = {In recent years, milk yield per cow, one of the most important traits in dairy cattle, increased very much in Japan. On the other hand, herd life of a cow is getting shorter. A long herd life enables a cow to achieve her maximum capacity of performance when attaining full maturity (3 or 4 parity) and decreases the replacement cost. It is necessary that we improve the ability to delay involuntary culling except the reason of the milking ability for improving milk production and longevity simultaneously. We call the ability to delay involuntary culling functional longevity or functional herd life (FHL). It is different from true longevity or true herd life (THL) which is simply the ability delays culling, which is voluntary or involuntary. We can use FHL as one of the selection criteria to improve milk production and longevity simultaneously. However, it is considered difficult to select cows directly on longevity because of the length of the term to getting data of herd life and the low estimated heritabilities of traits concerning longevity. There are some genetic correlations between type traits and herd life, but those in early stage are not enough high to make efficient improvement. We need to examine other indicators from type traits, for example, weight-age data. The aim of this study is to investigate new indicator for functional longevity of dairy cows which can be used in earlier period and has higher genetic correlations. 1. Genetic parameters of the measurements of body size and herd life were estimated using data of Holstein cows in National Agricultural Research Center for Hokkaido Region. Estimates of genetic correlations between body size and THL ranged from 0.02 to 0.29, and those between body size and FHL ranged from 0.00 to 0.16. 2. Body size data was applied to growth model by non-linear regression to research the relationship between herd life and growth pattern. 6 patterns of growth model were examined and Bertalanffy growth model (y_n=A (1-Be^-kn)^3 was adopted judging from goodness of fit by coefficient of determination and Akaike's Information Criteria (AIC) , and convergence time. 3. The relationship was analysed between herd life and growth parameters estimated in 2. Two parameters were revealed to be important. One is growth parameter A, means mature body size, and the other is growth parameter k, means maturing rate. Higher positive correlations with FHL were estimated in growth parameter A than the measured body size data. On the other hand, negative correlations were estimated in growth parameter k both with THL and FHL. The results show that late maturing cows tend to stay longer in herd. 4. The relationship was analysed between herd life and linear and non-linear indices for changes of body weight. A cow which has smaller change of body weight one month before calving to six months after calving tends to stay longer in herd. 5. All indicator variables for herd life were analysed using multiple regression analysis in which the dependent variable was herd life. In the analysis for FHL, weight, height of hip cross, chest depth, hip width and leg girth were adopted as the independent variables. And growth parameters k of many traits of body size were adopted as the independent variable. The contribution ratio was high when growth parameters(estimated in 3) and changes of body weight before and after calving(estimated in 4) were taken into account. The measured data of body size are largely influenced by the environmental effects. However, we can remove some environmental effects by applying measured data to growth model. It may read us to the higher correlations between herd life and estimated mature body size (growth parameter A). The moderate correlations between herd life and estimated maturing rate (growth parameter k) shows not only mature body size but also growth pattern has some correlationship with herd life. High correlation coefficients were estimated between FHL especially and indices for changes of body weight before and after calving. It suggests that the negative energy balance after calving cause reproductive disorders or metabolic diseases and made herd life shorter. In this study, herd life shows relationships with growth parameters and changes of body weight before and after calving. It is suggested that growth pattern has important affect to herd life and possible to be used as an early selection index.}, pages = {1--81}, title = {乳牛における生涯生産性の選抜指標に関する研究}, volume = {186}, year = {2006}, yomi = {ニシウラ, アキコ} }