@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001343, author = {磯部, 祥子 and ISOBE, Sachiko and 我有, 満 and GAU, Mitsuru and 山口, 秀和 and YAMAGUCHI, Hidekazu and 内山, 和宏 and UCHIYAMA, Kazuhiro and 眞木, 芳助 and MAKI, Yoshisuke and 松浦, 正宏 and MATSU-URA, Masahiro and 植田, 精一 and UEDA, Sei-ichi and 澤井, 晃 and SAWAI, Akira and 堤, 光昭 and TSUTSUMI, Mitsuaki and 竹田, 芳彦 and TAKEDA, Yoshihiko and 中島, 和彦 and NAKASHIMA, Kazuhiko}, journal = {北海道農業研究センター研究報告, Research BUlletin of the NARO Hokkaido Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Dec}, note = {'Natsuyu', a new diploid variety of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), was developed by the National Agricultural Research Center for Hokkaido Region and Hokkaido Prefectural Konsen Agricultural Experiment Station. 'Natsuyu' was bred by random crossing of four maternal lines that were selected from 44 varieties/lines. The characteristics of 'Natsuyu' are low competitive ability for timothy and good over-wintering ability. The yield ability for dry matter of 'Natsuyu' was similar that of 'Hokuseki'. In the mixed sown sward, the yield of timothy with 'Natsuyu' in the third year was 20% higher than that of timothy with 'Hokuseki'. The red clover ratio of 'Natsuyu' was lower than that of 'Hokuseki' and higher than that of 'Kurano'. It seemed that the reasons of the low compe-titive ability of 'Natsuyu' for timothy were the lower degree of flowering and the lower plant height in the second crop. 'Natsuyu' showed better vigorous and re-growth in the early spring than 'Hokuseki' and' Kurano'. It also showed stronger cold hard-iness than 'Hokuseki'. These results indicated that 'Natsuyu' had good overwintering ability. Since the flowering date of 'Natsuyu' was similar to that of 'Hokuseki', 'Natsuyu' consi-dered to be an early flowering type. Thegrowth type of the first autumn was more rosette type than 'Hokuseki' and more flow-ering type than 'Kurano'. 'Natsuyu' had more resistance than 'Hoku-seki' and 'Kurano' to powdery mildew and sclerotinia crown and stem rot. The toleranceto black leaf bright and rust of 'Natsuyu' was the same as that of 'Kurano' and slight weaker than that of 'Hokuseki'. 'Natsuyu' showed similar seed yield and chemical composition compared to 'Hokuseki'.}, pages = {1--14}, title = {アカクローバ品種「ナツユウ」の育成とその特性}, volume = {177}, year = {2003}, yomi = {イソベ, サチコ and ガウ, ミツル and ヤマグチ, ヒデカズ and ウチヤマ, カズヒロ and マキ, ヨシスケ and マツウラ, マサヒロ and ウエダ, セイイチ and サワイ, アキラ and ツツミ, ミツアキ and タケダ, ヨシヒコ and ナカシマ, カズヒコ} }