@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001336, author = {早野-斎藤, 由里子 and HAYANO-SAITO, Yuriko and 早野, 由里子}, journal = {北海道農業研究センター研究報告, Research BUlletin of the NARO Hokkaido Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Mar}, note = {Rice stripe virus (RSV) is a member of the tenuivirus group of plant viruses. The filamentous shape and biological properties of RSV are similar to those of the other viruses of this group, such as maize stripe virus (MSpV) and rice grassy stunt virus (RGSV). These three viruses have four (RSV and RGV) or five (MSpV) RNAs of various size as their genomes. When either RSV or MSpV is ex-tracted with SDS-phenol and analyzed by gel electrophoresis, a mixture of various single-stranded (ss-) and double-stranded (ds-) RNAs is detected. Therefore, this suggested that both (+) and (-) RNAs are separately encapsidated in virus particles, although one polarity of each size RNA occurs in excess. It is unclear whether this virus group belongs to the posi-tive- or negative-strand RNA viruses. A rice stripe resistance gene from the indica rice (Oryza sativa) cv. 'Modan' was introgressed into several Japanese rice cultivars. The gene, Stvb-i, has provided stable resistance to rice stripe virus since it was first introgressed into japonica paddy rice cultivars about 30 years ago. However, the precise chromosomal location of this resistance gene has not been not determined. In this study, the coding strategy of two major protein genes of rice stripe virus (RSV) was revealed. For positional cloning of the stripe resistance gene Stvb-i derived from 'Modan', genetical and physical analyses of the rice stripe disease resistance gene Stvb-i using molecular markers was performed. Furthermore, DNA marker-assisted selection (MAS) of rice stripe disease resistance using a Stvb-i-linked marker was examined.}, pages = {1--45}, title = {イネ縞葉枯ウイルスのゲノム構造およびイネ縞葉枯病抵抗性遺伝子に関する研究}, volume = {175}, year = {2002}, yomi = {ハヤノ-サイトウ, ユリコ and ハヤノ, ユリコ} }