@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001310, author = {TAKAHASHI, Tomoki and 髙橋, 智紀 and 高橋, 智紀 and 持田, 秀之 and MOCHIDA, Hideyuki and 榊原, 充隆 and SAKAKIBARA, Mitsutaka and 森本, 晶 and MORIMOTO, Sho and 小林, 浩幸 and KOBAYASHI, Hiroyuki and 相場, 聡 and AIBA, Satoshi}, journal = {東北農業研究センター研究報告, Bulletin of TOHOKU Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Mar}, note = {Soybean yields have recently been decreasing in many parts of the Tohoku region. Factors causing this low productivity were analyzed by a field investigation and questionnaire survey about management of crops, soil, weeds, plant diseases, and insects. According to the results of the questionnaire, growers recognized yield declines in 55% of their fields and suggest that issues with grain filling and vegetation biomass may be associated with this decrease. Our field investigation also showed that both grain filling and ripened pod number are low in fields with low productivity. The construction of underdrains, soil management including the application of the major elements or liming, and adequate depth of the plow layer were identified as factors to address to increase soybean yield. Although 45% of growers noted that weed damage had recently worsened, the fields where weed damage was pointed out were not low-productivity fields. Serious weed damage is probably due to a lack of herbicide application at the optimum time or to an increase in difficult-to-control weeds. A high population of soybean cyst nematodes was observed in field where resistant cultivars were not planted continuously. The yield of soybean decreased in these fields., 東北地域の多くの地域では、近年、ダイズ収量の低下傾向が認められる。そこで、現地調査およびアンケート調査を通じて、栽培管理・土壌管理・雑草害・病虫害の面から低収に関わる要因を解析した。アンケート調査によると、圃場ベースで55%において収量の低下が感じられており、これらの圃場では最大繁茂期の繁茂や子実の充実も悪くなる傾向だった。現地調査の結果からも低収圃場での莢数および百粒重の不足が裏付けられた。土壌管理の面からは暗渠の有無、肥培管理や酸度矯正等の肥沃度管理、作土深などが収量に関与する形質として抽出された。雑草害は収量低下の直接の原因ではないようであったが、生産者からは問題視され、難防除雑草の増加と適期防除の不徹底が雑草繁茂の原因であると考察された。抵抗性を持たない品種が連作されている圃場の一部ではシストセンチュウの卵密度が高まる傾向があり、収量低下への影響が強く示唆された。}, pages = {89--118}, title = {寒冷地における生産現場でのダイズ低収要因の解析}, volume = {116}, year = {2014}, yomi = {タカハシ, トモキ and モチダ, ヒデユキ and サカキバラ, ミツタカ and モリモト, ショウ and コバヤシ, ヒロユキ and アイバ, サトシ} }