@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001306, author = {上山, 泰史 and UEYAMA, Yasufumi and 米丸, 淳一 and YONEMARU, Jun-ichi and 久保田, 明人 and KUBOTA, Akito and 秋山, 征夫 and AKIYAMA, Yukio and 藤森, 雅博 and FUJIMORI, Masahiro and 立花, 正 and TACHIBANA, Tadashi and 近藤, 聡 and KONDO, Satoshi and 谷津, 秀樹 and YATSU, Hideki and 小槙, 陽介 and KOMAKI, Yosuke}, journal = {東北農業研究センター研究報告, Bulletin of TOHOKU Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Mar}, note = {A new festulolium cultivar "Icarus" was developed based on the results of a joint project conducted by the NARO Tohoku Agricultural Research Center (TARC) and the Snow Brand Seed Co. In 2010, we applied to register this cultivar under the Plant Variety Protection and Seed Act. This cultivar was selected from the basic population which consists of festulolium cultivars bred abroad. "Icarus" is suitable for the cool regions. The dry matter yield over three years of this cultivar was almost the same as that of "cv. Tohoku 1" and was 4-9% higher than that of "cv. Barfest" based on the results of four trials in the fields of TARC ; nevertheless, no statistically significant differences were found. This cultivar survives without severe damage in the regions where the winter period continuous snow-cover is typically under 120 days. "Icarus" should be restricted to use in the summer and fall, which will help it recover, its vigor where it has recently suffered quite hot and drought summer conditions, or to use for pasturage in places with heavy snow coverage. The decline of "Icarus" after the summer is remarkable and its perennial use is difficult in the warm regions with a long hot summer. The heading date of this cultivar is almost the same as that of "Barfest". The plant height at inflorescence emergence and the percentage of awnless individuals and individuals with fluorescence at the root show intermediate values between those of "Tohoku 1" and those of "Barfest". The wintering habit and snow mold resistance of this cultivar in the northern Tohoku region are superior to those of "Tohoku 1". "Icarus" is adapted to grasslands in the cool temperate zones, such as the middle altitude regions of Tohoku, which are used for hay-cutting or grazing., 「イカロス」は、寒冷地の中標高草地で利用することを目的に、既存品種から選抜したフェストロリウム (x Festulolium Aschers. et Graebn) の新品種である。東北農業研究センターを主体に雪印種苗 (株) と共同研究によって育成し、2010年10月27日に品種登録申請を行った。 先に品種登録した「東北1号」と比較して、育成地における年間乾物収量は年間4回刈り取りで同等かやや低く、年間5~8回の多回刈りでは同等かやや高く、既存の市販品種「バーフェスト」よりも4~9%多収である。「イカロス」の出穂始期は「バーフェスト」と同時期である。出穂期草丈、無芒個体率、および根の蛍光反応率などは、「東北1号」と「バーフェスト」の中間の特性を示す。 通常の採草条件では、冬期の連続積雪期間が120日程度までの地域で越冬に支障ない。夏期が高温となる温暖地等では越夏後の衰退が著しく、多年利用は難しい。北東北における越冬性は「東北1号」よりも優れる。本品種は、東北地域など寒冷地の中標高の採草または放牧用として普及が見込まれる。}, pages = {55--68}, title = {フェストロリウム新品種「イカロス」の育成とその特性}, volume = {116}, year = {2014}, yomi = {ウエヤマ, ヤスフミ and ヨネマル, ジュンイチ and クボタ, アキト and アキヤマ, ユキオ and フジモリ, マサヒロ and タチバナ, タダシ and コンドウ, サトシ and ヤツ, ヒデキ and コマキ, ヨウスケ} }