@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001300, author = {白土, 宏之 and SHIRATSUCHI, Hiroyuki}, journal = {東北農業研究センター研究報告, Bulletin of TOHOKU Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Mar}, note = {The "no-box nursing" method was developed to save labor when raising rice seedlings and to reduce the burden of carrying heavy seedling mats. "Seed-mats" that consisted of molded rice-hull mats with hardened rice seeds, with covering soil glued onto them were developed. Polyethylene mulch was suitable as a substrate on which to place the seed-mats. The appropriate amount of covering soil ranged from 300 g to 400 g. At the beginning of raising no-box seedlings, 1.5 L of water per mat was recommended. The growth of the no-box seedlings was equal to or better than that of the conventional seedlings when the nursery period for the former was longer by four days to eight days compared to that of the conventional seedlings and covering sheets were removed when the seedlings ranged from 3 cm to 6 cm long. The no-box seedlings were equal to the conventional seedlings in growth in a paddy field, yield, and grain quality, but not in the missing percentage of transplanted seedlings. In farmers' field, the no-box seedlings decreased labor time needed to prepare for raising seedlings to about one third of that needed for the conventional seedlings. The weight of a seedling mat of the no-box seedlings was less than half of the conventional seedlings., 水稲育苗の省力化と軽作業化を図る目的で、水稲の箱なし育苗法を開発した。まず、もみがら成型マットに、ハードニングした水稲種子と覆土を接着した、種子付きマットを開発した。種子付きマットは95%以上の出芽率を208日間維持した。種子付きマットを利用した箱なし育苗には、苗床被覆資材としてはポリマルチ、覆土量は300 g〜400 g、育苗開始時の灌水量は1.5 Lが適当であった。育苗期間が慣行苗より4日〜8日長く、苗丈3 cm〜6 cmの時に保温資材の被覆を除去すると慣行苗と同等の苗形質の箱なし苗が得られた。箱なし苗は、欠株率がやや高いことを除けば、苗生育、本田生育、収量、品質の点で、慣行苗と同等であった。最後に、現地試験において、箱なし苗育苗の作業性や移植精度などを慣行苗と比較した。箱なし苗は、育苗準備の作業時間が慣行の約1/3になり、苗箱の回収・洗浄・保管が不要となった。箱なし苗の重量は慣行の半分以下で軽作業化に効果があった。箱なし苗は慣行苗より欠株率が高かったが、苗運搬の欠株率に対する影響は小さいと考えられた。}, pages = {77--110}, title = {種子付きマットを用いた水稲の箱なし育苗法}, volume = {115}, year = {2013}, yomi = {シラツチ, ヒロユキ} }