@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001299, author = {久保田, 明人 and KUBOTA, Akito and 上山, 泰史 and UEYAMA, Yasufumi and 秋山, 征夫 and AKIYAMA, Yukio and 藤森, 雅博 and FUJIMORI, Masahiro}, journal = {東北農業研究センター研究報告, Bulletin of TOHOKU Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Mar}, note = {The objective of this study was to evaluate the dry matter ratio and other agronomic characteristics in our Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) strain "TK2H-3rd," which was selected from the "TK2" tetraploid strain with a high dry matter ratio through 3 generations. We sowed "TK2H-3rd" and "TK2" for 3 years and investigated snow endurance, heading date, lodging tendency, plant length, dry matter ratio and weight, and amount of non-fiber carbohydrate (NFC). We confirmed that "TK2H-3rd" had a higher dry matter ratio and NFC than those of "TK2". "TK2H-4th," which was selected from "TK2H-3rd" for 1 more generation with a high dry matter ratio, was tested for responses to a low sowing rate. TK2H-4th had a higher dry matter ratio and NFC than those of "TK2", especially in low sowing plots. Therefore, we concluded that the higher dry matter ratio of "TK2H-3rd" and "TK2H-4th" was partially attributable to a higher accumulation of NFC than that by "TK2"., 早生の四倍体イタリアンライグラス (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) 系統「東北2号」(以下、TK2)から、3世代にわたり選抜した高乾物率選抜系統「TK2H-3rd」と、さらに1世代選抜した「TK2H-4th」を圃場に播種し、耐雪性、出穂始日、倒伏程度、1番草の草丈、乾物率、乾物重、NFC (Non fiber carbohydrate : 非繊維性炭水化物) を測定した。「TK2H-3rd」は「TK2」よりも乾物率とNFCが高かった。二倍体と同様に、四倍体についても乾物率で選抜できることが明らかとなった。「TK2H-4th」を用いて異なる播種量に対する反応を「TK2」と比較したところ、「TK2H-4th」は「TK2」に比べ、低播種量区でより乾物率とNFCが高まる傾向が認められた。「TK2H-3rd」および「TK2H-4th」の高乾物率特性には、NFCの蓄積が関与していると考えられた。}, pages = {71--76}, title = {四倍体イタリアンライグラス (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) における高乾物率選抜の効果}, volume = {115}, year = {2013}, yomi = {クボタ, アキト and ウエヤマ, ヤスフミ and アキヤマ, ユキオ and フジモリ, マサヒロ} }