@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001272, author = {野中, 章久 and NONAKA, Akihisa and 阿部, 直行 and ABE, Naoyuki}, journal = {東北農業研究センター研究報告, Bulletin of TOHOKU Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Jan}, note = {The aims of this article are to clarify the relationship between the costs and prices of apples produced with 50% fewer agrichemicals and regularly cultivated apples, and to review the relevant studies on this subject. Of two earlier evaluations of the price differential between reduced-agrichemical products and regularly cultivated ones, the authors of one study indicated the existence of a price differential and the authors of the other study denied the differential. We studied the farmers, agricultural co-op and related organizations in Shiwa town (Iwate Prefecture) from 2006 to 2009, and a comparison of the reduced-agrichemical apples and regularly cultivated apples showed that the pesticide costs for the former increased from 52 to 69 yen per cardboard box (10 kg). Analysis of sales documents from JA Iwate Chuou indicated that reduced-agrichemical apples were sold for prices that more than compensated for the increased costs. The analysis supports the former studies that indicated the price differential due to the agrichemical reduction ; however, the analysis also indicated that higher graded apples have a higher price differential due to the agrichemical reduction and lowest graded apples do not show any price differential, so the price differential might depend on the characteristics of the retailer and the brackets of consumer. The analysis also suggests that there are differences among crops on the price differential due to the agrichemicals reduction., 本稿は農薬削減の努力に対する市場の評価の実態把握の一環として, 特別栽培リンゴの価格と費用との関係を明らかにすることを第一の課題, その分析結果をもとに, 対立した見解が示されている先行研究の議論を検討することを第二の課題とする. JAいわて中央を事例とし, 2006〜2009年に実施した調査結果の分析から費用に関し, 慣行栽培と比較して農薬削減防除体系は10kg段ボール1箱当たり52〜69円の費用増加が生じていることが明かとなった. 次に, JAいわて中央のリンゴの等階級別の販売実績の分析から, 最も低い等級を除いて, 農薬削減リンゴは管内の慣行栽培のリンゴと比較して費用増加分より高い単価となっていることが明かとなった. また, 慣行栽培品を基準として価格を比較すると, 農薬の削減率に応じる形で増加していた. 先行研究では, 農薬の削減率に応じた価格が形成されるとする見解と, 形成されない, あるいはその価格差は縮小するとする見解があった. 本稿の分析結果は, 農薬削減率に応じた価格が形成されるとする見解を支持しているが, 同時に農薬削減率と価格の関係は作物や購買層によっても異なる可能性が示唆された.}, pages = {89--100}, title = {農薬削減リンゴの価格的優位性と普及の可能性 : 農薬50%削減リンゴ栽培技術の経済評価}, volume = {111}, year = {2010}, yomi = {ノナカ, アキヒサ and アベ, ナオユキ} }