@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001237, author = {加藤, 晶子 and KATO, Masako and 山守, 誠 and YAMAMORI, Makoto and 由比, 真美子 and YUI, Mamiko and 石田, 正彦 and ISHIDA, Masahiko and 千葉, 一美 and CHIBA, Ichimi and 奥山, 善直 and OKUYAMA, Yoshinao and 遠山, 知子 and TOYAMA, Tomoko and 田野崎, 眞吾 and TANOSAKI, Shingo and 菅原, 俐 and SUGAWARA, Satoshi and 遠藤, 武男 and ENDO, Takeo and 柴田, 悖次 and SHIBATA, Mototsugu}, journal = {東北農業研究センター研究報告, Bulletin of TOHOKU Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Mar}, note = {A new Job's-tears cultivar "Hatoyutaka" was developed at the National Agricultural Research Center for Tohoku Region, NARO, and was registered as "Norin 4" by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) in 2004. "Hatoyutaka" was selected from the progenies of the cross of "F_6-22 (Tohoku 1)/Ouu 4", with the aim of developing a new cultivar with early maturity, short culm, and high yield. The major agronomic characteristics of "Hatoyutaka" are as follows. The maturity is early to medium, later than that of "Hatojirou" and earlier than that of "Nakazato-zairai" . Its yield ability is higher than those of "Hatojirou" and "Nakazato-zairai". The plant height is as short as "Hatojirou", and shorter than that of "Nakazato-zairai". Its grain-setting layer is wider than that of "Hatojirou", and about the same as "Nakazato-zairai". Its lodging registance is the same as those of "Hatojirou" and "Nakazato-zairai". Its shattering is as easy as "Hatojirou" and "Nakazato-zairai" while its resistance to leaf blight is slightly weaker than that of "Hatojirou". "Hatoyutaka" is suitable for tea processimg, and the appearance of its roasted grains is good. "Hatoyutaka" is adapted to the Tohoku region of Japan. Its cultivation has been recommended in Iwate and Miyagi prefectures since 2004., 「はとゆたか」は1988年に早生・短稈・多収のハトムギ品種の育成を目標として、早生・短稈のF_6-22 (のちの「東北1号」) を母本、晩生・中稈で多収の「奥羽4号」を父本として交配し、選抜・固定を図ったものである。 本品種の成熟期は中の早で「はとじろう」より遅く、「中里在来」より早い。殻実収量は「はろじろう」および「中里在来」より多い。草丈は「はとじろう」と同じく短に属し、「中里在来」より短い。着粒層は「はとじろう」より広く、「中里在来」並である。耐倒伏性は「はとじろう」および「中里在来」並であり、脱粒性は両品種並の易である。葉枯病抵抗性はやや弱であり「はとじろう」と比べ罹病しやすい。お茶加工適性は「はとじろう」と比較して同等~良で、焙煎粒の外観品質は優れる。栽培の適応地帯は東北地方である。岩手県の中・南部と宮城県の仙台湾岸地域で作付けが見込まれている。}, pages = {43--51}, title = {ハトムギ新品種「はとゆたか」の育成}, volume = {107}, year = {2007}, yomi = {カトウ, マサコ and ヤマモリ, マコト and ユイ, マミコ and イシダ, マサヒコ and チバ, イチミ and オクヤマ, ヨシナオ and トオヤマ, トモコ and タノサキ, シンゴ and スガワラ, サトシ and エンドウ, タケオ and シバタ, モトツグ} }