@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001224, author = {石田, 正彦 and ISHIDA, Masahiko and 山守, 誠 and YAMAMORI, Makoto and 加藤, 晶子 and KATO, Masako and 千葉, 一美 and CHIBA, Ichimi and 奥山, 善直 and OKUYAMA, Yoshinao and 田野崎, 眞吾 and TANOSAKI, Shingo and 菅原, 俐 and SUGAWARA, Satoshi and 遠山, 知子 and TOYAMA, Tomoko and 遠藤, 武男 and ENDO, Takeo and 柴田, 悖次 and SHIBATA, Mototsugu}, journal = {東北農業研究センター研究報告, Bulletin of TOHOKU Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Mar}, note = {A new rapeseed cultivar "Nanamidori" was developed at the National Agricultural Research Center for Tohoku Region, NARO, and its variety registration was carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) in 2004. "Nanamidori" was selected from the progenies of the cross of "Kizakino-natane/Kamikita-natane," with the aim of developing a new rapeseed cultivar with the following properties : adaptability to the northern Tohoku region of Japan, zero erucic acid content, tolerance to cold and snow damage and aptitude in vegetable uses. The major agronomic characteristics of "Nanamidori" as oilseed rape are as follows. Like "Kizakino-natane," the maturity is late to medium and the tolerance to cold and snow damage is strong. The plant height is about the same as "Kizakino-natane." The resistance to sclerotinial disease is strong. The yielding ability is high, about the same as "Kizakino-natane." The content of erucic acid in extracted oil is zero. The oil content is medium and slightly lower than that of "Kizakino-natane." The agronomic characteristics of "Nanamidori" as vegetable rapeseed are as follows. The harvesting time is earlier than "Kaburena" and the same as "Kamikita-natane," and the weight of its flower stalks is heavier than both "Kaburena" and "Kamikita-natane." The vegetable yield is slightly lower than "Kamikita-natane" but higher than "Kaburena." The resistance to clubroot disease is weak. "Nanamidori" is well adapted to the northern Tohoku region of Japan., 2004 年3 月, ナタネ「東北89 号」がナタネ新品種「菜々みどり」として種苗法に基づく品種登録がなされた。本品種は, 東北地方に適した耐寒雪性に優れた無エルシン酸ナタネで, なたね油用 (油糧作物) となばな用 (野菜) に兼用できる多収品種の育成を目標として, 1989 年に東北農業試験場 (現 東北農業研究センター) において, 東北84 号 (後の「キザキノナタネ」) を母に, 「カミキタナタネ」を父として人工交配を行い, 以後, 選抜・固定を図り, 育成した品種である。「菜々みどり」は, 寒雪害に対しては「キザキノナタネ」と同等以上であり, 菌核病に対しても強い。なたね油用としての特性は子実中にエルシン酸を含まず, 成熟期は「キザキノナタネ」並の "中の晩" で, 子実収量は「キザキノナタネ」には劣るが, 多収である。なばな用としては, 収穫期間は「かぶれ菜」より一週間程度早く, 「カミキタナタネ」並であり, 一本重は「かぶれ菜」や「カミキタナタネ」よりも重い。収量は育成地では「かぶれ菜」並で, 栽培予定県では「かぶれ菜」より多収であるが, 「カミキタナタネ」よりはやや少ない。この品種は東北地方での栽培に適し, 青森県においてなばな用として普及が図られている。}, pages = {49--62}, title = {ナタネ新品種「菜々みどり」の育成}, volume = {105}, year = {2006}, yomi = {イシダ, マサヒコ and ヤマモリ, マコト and カトウ, マサコ and チバ, イチミ and オクヤマ, ヨシナオ and タノサキ, シンゴ and スガワラ, サトシ and トオヤマ, トモコ and エンドウ, タケオ and シバタ, モトツグ} }