@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001219, author = {境, 哲文 and SAKAI, Tetsufumi and 菊池, 彰夫 and KIKUCHI, Akio and 島田, 尚典 and SHIMADA, Hisanori and TAKADA, Yoshitake and 高田, 吉丈 and 河野, 雄飛 and KONO, Yuhi and 島田, 信二 and SHIMADA, Shinji}, journal = {東北農業研究センター研究報告, Bulletin of TOHOKU Agricultural Research Center}, month = {Dec}, note = {The soybean breeding program for high seed isoflavone content started in 1996 at the Kariwano Branch of the National Agricultural Research Center for Tohoku Region. Isoflavone contents of more than 2,000 soybean germplasms were evaluated using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) from 1996 to 2002 to select parents for crossing and to investigate the interannual changes of isoflavone contents. Isofavone contents ranged from 23.5 to 848.5 mg/100g dry matter weight (gDW) and were generally lower in early maturing than in medium and late maturing groups. Moreover, the difference in isoflavone contents among germplasms was not significant in the early maturing group, but it was significant in the medium and late maturing groups. The ratio of total daidzein to the total isoflavone contents ranged from 18.6 to 81.7%. The interannual coefficient of variation for total isoflavone contents was higher than that of the ratio of daidzein to the total isoflavone contents., 東北農業研究センター刈和野試験地では1996 年から高イソフラボン含有ダイズの育種研究を開始し, 交配母本の選定もかねて遺伝資源の評価を実施している。1996~2002年にかけて試験地および他機関で導入・保存されていた延べ約2,000 点を供試し, 高速液体クロマトグラフィー (HPLC) でイソフラボン含量を測定し, 年次間変動とその組成についても評価を行った。}, pages = {83--149}, title = {ダイズ遺伝資源の子実中イソフラボン含量およびその組成}, volume = {104}, year = {2005}, yomi = {サカイ, テツフミ and キクチ, アキオ and シマダ, ヒサノリ and タカダ, ヨシタケ and コウノ, ユウヒ and シマダ, シンジ} }