@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001164, author = {松永, 啓 and MATSUNAGA, Hiroshi and 横田, 真 and YOKOTA, Makoto and LEAKHENA, Mat and LEAKHENA, Mat and SAKHAN, Sophany and Sophany, SAKHAN}, journal = {植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書, Annual Report on Exploration and Introduction of Plant Genetic Resources}, month = {Mar}, note = {The National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO) and the Cambodian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI) have collaborated since 2014 under the Plant Genetic Resources in Asia (PGRAsia) project to survey the vegetable genetic resources available in Cambodia. As part of this project, three field surveys of Solanaceae crops were conducted in November 2014, 2015 and 2016 in western, eastern and northern Cambodia, respectively. In November 2017, we conducted a fourth field survey in southern Cambodia, including the Svay Rieng, Prey Veng, Kandal, Kampong Speu, Kou Kong, Sihanoukville, Kampot and Takeo provinces. We collected 56 chili pepper (20 Capsicum annuum, 36 C. frutescens) and 4 eggplant (4 Solanum spp.) fruit samples from markets, farmers’ yards, farmers’ fields and an open space. After harvesting seeds from the collected fruits, the seeds were divided equally and half were conserved in the CARDI and the other half were transferred to the Genetic Resource Center, NARO using the standard material transfer agreement (SMTA)., 農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構(NARO)とカンボジア農業開発研究所(CARDI)は,カンボジア国内における野菜類を中心とした遺伝資源を探索するため,PGRAsia(Plant Genetic Resource in Asia)プロジェクトのもと,2014年から共同研究を実施している.本プロジェクトの一環として,2014年、2015年および2016年の11月に,それぞれカンボジアの西部、東部および北部地域において,3回のナス科作物の探索を実施した.2017年11月に我々は,カンボジア南部地域のSvay Rieng, Prey Veng, Kandal, Kampong Speu, Kou Kong, Sihanoukville, Kampot およびTakeo州において,4回目の探索を実施した.本探索において,20点のCapsicum annuum,36点のCapsicum frutescensおよび4点のSolanum spp.からなる合計60点のトウガラシおよびナスを市場や農家の裏庭等で収集した.収集した種子は2等分し, 半分はCARDIで保存し,残りの半分はSMTA (Standard Material Transfer Agreement)によりNAROのジーンバンクに移送した.}, pages = {102--117}, title = {2017年カンボジア南部におけるナス科野菜遺伝資源の共同探索}, volume = {34}, year = {2019}, yomi = {マツナガ, ヒロシ and ヨコタ, マコト and ソパニー, サカン} }