@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001160, author = {眞田, 康治 and SANADA, Yasuharu and 内山, 和宏 and UCHIYAMA, Kazuhiro and SABEVA, Mariya and SABEVA, Mariya and ILIEV, Minko Nikolov and ILIEV, Minko Nikolov and MIHOVSKY, Tsvetoslay and MIHOVSKY, Tsvetoslay}, journal = {植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書, Annual Report on Exploration and Introduction of Plant Genetic Resources}, month = {Mar}, note = {A program for the exploration and collection of forage grass genetic resources was carried out in Bulgaria by a collaborative team from two Japanese institutes, Hokkaido Agricultural Research Center, NARO (HARC) and Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science, NARO (NILGS), and two Bulgarian institutes, Research Institute of Mountain Stockbreeding and Agriculture (RIMSA) and the Institute of Plant Genetic Resources ‘K. Malkov’ (IPGR), from 19th to 30th July 2017. Bulgaria is rich in genetic resources for forage crops as it lies close to their genetic center of origin, the Mediterranean region, and has diverse climate conditions. The aim of this program was to collect wild materials of forage crops with a variety of genetic variations, especially Dactylis spp., due to their adaptability to severe environmental conditions including high or low temperatures, in flat and mountainous regions. We collected the seeds of forage grasses, mainly Dactylis glomerata, in the Balkan and Rodopi mountain areas. A total of 65 seed accessions of forage grass were collected at 54 sites., 2017年7月19日から30日にかけて,ブルガリアにおいて日本の2研究所,農研機構 北海道農業研究センターおよび畜産研究部門,ブルガリアの2研究所,山地家畜育種農業研究所と遺伝資源研究所との共同チームにより,イネ科牧草遺伝資源の探索収集が実施された.ブルガリアは,飼料作物遺伝資源の中心である地中海に近く,多様な気象条件であるため,飼料作物遺伝資源が豊富である.この計画の目的は,イネ科牧草,特にDactylis属の高温及び低温の厳しい環境条件への適応性について,平地と山地においてこれらを収集することにより,遺伝的変異を拡大することである.我々は,バルカン山脈とロドピ山脈において,オーチャードグラスを主として,イネ科牧草の種子を収集した.54地点において65点のイネ科牧草種子を収集した.}, pages = {59--72}, title = {ブルガリアにおけるイネ科牧草遺伝資源の共同探索・収集,2017年}, volume = {34}, year = {2019}, yomi = {サナダ, ヤスハル and ウチヤマ, カズヒロ} }