@article{oai:repository.naro.go.jp:00001141, author = {笹原, 英樹 and SASAHARA, Hideki and 後藤, 明俊 and GOTO, Akitoshi and 重宗, 明子 and SHIGEMUNE, Akiko and 長岡, 一朗 and NAGAOKA, Ichiro and 小牧, 有三 and KOMAKI, Yuzou and 山口, 誠之 and YAMAGUCHI, Masayuki and 前田, 英郎 and MAEDA, Hideo and 松下, 景 and MATSUSHITA, Kei and 三浦, 清之 and MIURA, Kiyoyuki}, issue = {5}, journal = {農研機構研究報告 中央農業研究センター, Bulletin of the NARO, Agricultural Research for Central Region}, month = {Oct}, note = {In the breeding program aiming at developing rice varieties with a new useful grain characteristic, we bred a new rice variety, “Eminokizuna”, at Hokuriku Research Station of NARO Agricultural Research Center. This cultivar is a non-glutinous rice variety suitable for Sushi. “Eminokizuna” was bred from the progeny between a japonica variety “Gikei 120” and a japonica variety “Shuu6602”. From the F8 progenies, we selected one promising line and named “Hokuriku 225”, and submitted the line to various locations for evaluating local adaptability. “Hokuriku 225” was applied to the Plant Variety Protection Office at Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) for official registration in 2011 and it was named as “Eminokizuna”. In 2014, “Eminokizuna” was registered to MAFF. Agronomic characters of “Eminokizuna” evaluated are as follows. The heading date and the ripening date is slightly later than “Koshihikari”. Comparing with “Koshihikari”, the culm length is about 17~18cm shorter, the panicle length is about 1cm shorter and the panicle number is more. The plant type of this cultivar is classified into panicle number type. The grain shape is round and slightly small than “Koshihikari”. The amylose content in milled rice of “Eminokizuna” is about the same content as that of “Koshihikari”. The eating quality of rice seasoned with sushi vinegar made from “Eminokizuna” is better than made from “Koshihikari” or “Sasanishiki”, and almost the same as made from “Hatsushimo”. The surface of rice with sushi vinegar made from “Eminokizuna” or “Hatsushimo” is less sticky than made from “Koshihikari” or “Sasanishiki”, therefore, the rice with sushi vinegar of “Eminokizuna” and the that of “Hatsushimo” can easily be loosened in the mouth than the that of “Koshihikari” or “Sasanishiki”. “Eminokizuna” is estimated to possess true blast resistant genes, “Pia, Pii”. The field resistance for leaf blast is judged to be weakish and that for panicle blast is weak. Tolerance to sprouting is weakish and cool weather tolerance is weak. “Eminokizuna” can be grown in a region from Middle-Tohoku area to Kyushu area of Japan for new uses of brown rice.}, pages = {1--18}, title = {高温登熟性に優れ,すし飯に向く水稲品種「笑みの絆」の育成}, year = {2018}, yomi = {ササハラ, ヒデキ and ゴトウ, アキトシ and シゲムネ, アキコ and ナガオカ, イチロウ and コマキ, ユウゾウ and ヤマグチ, マサユキ and マエダ, ヒデオ and マツシタ, ケイ and ミウラ, キヨユキ} }